Wednesday, July 19, 2006

#38 Just Wondering...

How can a girl who has a blog about food be engaged to a man who doesn't know what Go-gurt is?


Shannonymous said...

lol! I think very few guys our age know about it... except for my friend Ed who did a voiceover for it!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard Ellen Degeneres's bit about Go-gurt? It's laugh-out-loud stuff.

Shannonymous said...

I LOVE Ellen. I think all of her bits are laugh-out-loud. And her dancing makes me so happy I could cry!

Anonymous said...

Here's a small snippet of it:

"We're lazy. We're on the go. We've got food on the go. We've got Go-gurt. Yogurt for people on the go. Was there a big mobility problem with yogurt before? How time consuming was it, really?"—Ellen DeGeneres

Shannonymous said...


MXF said...

I agree with Ellen. Yogurt always seemed pretty portable to me. I can't eat something call Go-gurt that I squish out of a tube. Gross.

Shannonymous said...

plus you're supposed to put your mouth over the plastic top to suck it out and who knows what else that plastic touched before you opened it?!?!? EW.