Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Who knew the Ponderosa was so fashionable?

I've been falling in love with TVLand recently. It's currently replacing Food Network as my go-to channel when there's nothing else on and I need to be entertained. There was a Bonanza marathon on last weekend. I'd never seen Bonanza before (and only recently saw an episode of Gunsmoke (and wowee is that Matt Dillon dreamy!)) but I was immediately digging Little Joe's green jacket, black gloves and skinny pants. And how tickled was I when an evil politico stuffed a dead body into a steamer trunk that happened to be a Louis Vuitton steamer trunk! Sweet!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

It's always a good day when someone compliments your shoes.

casting call

Maybe my real calling is as a casting agent since I love thinking about which actors could play whom in biopics and whatnot. Now, come to find out, Jean Reno has been tapped to play Bezu Fache in the movie adaptation of The Da Vinci Code. When I read books I tend to imagine famous people in all the roles as it gives me a concrete idea of what all the characters look like. When I read TDVC a few years ago, who did I imagine as Bezu Fache? Why Jean Reno of course! I'm sure this is actually because he played a cop in French Kiss so it was in my head already.

Coincindentally, as I'm finishing up Rob Roy, I naturally assume Rob Roy looks like Liam Neeson, considering he was in the movie (which I haven't seen). Francis Obaldistone is played by Greg Wise from his dashing Sense & Sensibility days and Andrew Fairservice looks exactly like Groundskeeper Willie, yellow skin and all. I can't help it! I hear "Scottish groundskeeper," what else am I supposed to think?

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

One of my fifth graders wrote about how she was going to Canada this summer. She called it the most exciting place in the world. I can only conclude she has never actually been to Canada.

What's YOUR email #?

My mother called and asked for my email number and was then shocked that it didn't have any actual numbers in it. You can't imagine how difficult it was to explain what the @ symbol was over the phone. If I ever receive an email from the person she was handing that to, I will fall down from shock.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

In my secret heart I've always wanted to be more punk (by more I really mean any at all, because I'm pretty unpunk at the moment). This is why I cancelled by Banana Republic card. This is why I got my hair cut and colored at a hip salon. But the truth is, I'm still wearing a button-down shirt underneath a V-neck sweater. I'm still going home to my West Elm bed and Pottery Barn sheets. I'm still TiVO-ing Martha Stewart. Should I just fess up to who I really am or can I still change?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Today is a good day

Today is a good day in the city. 70 degrees? Fuck yeah. It's been too long.

AND, as if that weren't enough, ever since I started going to the gym--sometime back in the fall--I'd set a goal for myself on the cardio machines to burn 200 calories in 20 minutes. I know this would be easiest on the treadmill, but unless there's a rhino charging me, I'm not really into running. On the exercise bike, I was topping out at 140, so I switched to the elliptical trainer. Yesterday I eked out 201 calories in 20 minutes! Yeah! Much rejoicing.

biopic #2

I have no idea what kind of life Peter Ustinov lead, nor have I seen any of his films (though I must say, I'm very interested in One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing, for the title alone). BUT if someone wanted to do a biopic on him, may I suggest Philip Seymour Hoffman? Of course, he could only really play the older, plumper Ustinov. Someone else would have to do the young stuff, perhaps Zach Braff. They have the same lips and hair.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Can't quite explain it, but I hate it when people bring me the things I've printed out or faxes to my desk at work. Everybody does this. I never do this. I think it's just poeple sticking their noses where they don't belong. I mean, I know where the printer is and I'll get my papers when I frickin feel like it. If it were an emergency, I would get them quickly. Otherwise, why don't you just leave them where you found them?