Thursday, December 29, 2005


Kelly Clarkson picked "Never Is a Promise" by Fiona Apple as one of the songs on her iPod playlist. She said she likes to listen to it in the tub. I have always thought Tidal was a perfect tub CD. I have listened to it many, many times amidst a bevy of bubbles.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


*cribbed from html goddess.

A is for Age: 30
B is for Booze: Jack and (diet) Coke
C is for Career: nothing yet of which to speak
D is for Dad’s name: James
E is for Essential Item to bring to a Party: food
F is for Favorite Songs at the Moment: theme song from Magnificent Seven
G is for Goof off thing to do: sleep
H is for Hometown: Orlando
I is for Instrument you play: flute
J is for Jam or Jelly you like: jalapeno marmalade from Mesa Grill
K is for Kids: Michellephant, Howler, Slushy, Snappy, Bronto, and Pippo(potamus)
L is for Living arrangement: 2BR in Queens with Snowman
M is for Mom’s name: Young
N is for Names of best friends: Snowman plus a few select others
O is for overnight hospital stays: not since birth
P is for Phobias: dying
Q is for Quote you like: "Man's reach should exceed his grasp/else what's a heaven for?" Robert Browning
S is for Siblings: Angry Dolphin, Wang Chung
T is for Texas, Ever been? San Antonio
U is for Unique trait: paper crafts
V if for Vegetable you love: the humble potato
W is for Worst traits: moody
X - is for XRays you’ve had: upper GI; hip xray; dental xray
Y is for Yummy food you make: oatmeal raisin cookies; tuna fish; birthday cake
Z is for Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

No one cares about orphans anyway!

This transit strike aggravates me. Not because there IS a strike, but because everyone acts like it's the end of the world, when really, it's just a strike. Europe is in a perpetual state of strike. I've been walking to work. It's about 3.5 miles and takes around an hour. It's not awesome. It's cold and windy and I'm pretty tired before I even get to work. But it's not heinous either. It's good exercise and I just plug in my iPod and contemplate. But whenever I tell anyone (and it's always because they ask me, not because I'm eager to share my "war story") they look at me like I just said, "How do you like my coat made from the pelts of orphans? It's soooo soft."

It reminds me of when I was little and had no concept of distance. Ten blocks seemed like the Bataan Death March.

The best cracker ever!

Triscuits with rosemary and olive oil are unbelievably delicious. I mean, you have to like rosemary, which I certainly do. They are so salty and yummy. Now I want a triscuit cake for my birthday.

Monday, December 19, 2005

There's a place for us...

You know that sound the subway trains make when they leave the station? It's an oddly melodic three-note screech. Have you ever noticed? If you have noticed, have you further noticed it sounds like the first three notes of "Somewhere" from West Side Story? Next time you're listening to a train pulling out of the station, sing the words "There's a place for us..." in your head and you'll see what I mean. Who knew the MTA where Bernstein fans?

Saltiest food in the world...

It's gotta be corned beef hash.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Long Time No...

Haven't been posting much, but I have big plans to overhaul this whole page next year.

Saturday I got a Christmas card from some people and I have no idea who they are! I have only lived in my new apartment for like two weeks and it had my last name on the envelope (no first name). It was one of those photo cards with the whole family PhotoShopped onto a speed boat with a Christmas tree and presents and Santa hats (lawd, why would I want to know people who put together that kind of card anyway?). They live in Lindenhurst. Seriously, who are they?