Wednesday, December 21, 2005

No one cares about orphans anyway!

This transit strike aggravates me. Not because there IS a strike, but because everyone acts like it's the end of the world, when really, it's just a strike. Europe is in a perpetual state of strike. I've been walking to work. It's about 3.5 miles and takes around an hour. It's not awesome. It's cold and windy and I'm pretty tired before I even get to work. But it's not heinous either. It's good exercise and I just plug in my iPod and contemplate. But whenever I tell anyone (and it's always because they ask me, not because I'm eager to share my "war story") they look at me like I just said, "How do you like my coat made from the pelts of orphans? It's soooo soft."

It reminds me of when I was little and had no concept of distance. Ten blocks seemed like the Bataan Death March.

1 comment:

Marcos said...

I know what you mean about people going crazy about the strike- It didn't change anything, except that I got a free ride to and from work each day. It didn't effect anyone who comes to my business. Possibly because I live and work in Queens, and we've often been without the MTA. I think that next time, Bloomburg should hire all the orphans as pedicab drivers, and then transit would be a lot easier, and the orphans would have a means to beat the system.