Tuesday, July 18, 2006

#37 Freezer Burn

I think everyone gets it: I like food. As such, I really enjoy a well-stocked fridge and pantry. However, now that Snowman and I are moving in a month, we are in the process of eating as much stuff out of said well-stocked food containment devices as possible.

This is our freezer. In it we have: fries, gin, frozen fruits, Philly Swirls, ravioli, broccoli pot pies, pizza, chicken tenders, taco meat, ice cream sandwiches, Lean Cuisines, a loaf of bread, acai, shrimp skewers, chicken breasts, and stir fry.

The question is: Can we eat all this?

The answer: Watch this space.


Anonymous said...

I call the broccoli pot pies if you don't get to them!

VE said...


Shannonymous said...

I bet you can... especially if you serve some of the food if you happen to have a party or something... ;)

MXF said...

Ellie, I am pretty sure the BPP will be gobbled up, but, um, I could probably float you a shrimp skewer, if you want.

Anonymous said...

you've got a whole month! i'm sure you'll suceed...or be stuffed trying! :-)

Anonymous said...

I hate Con Ed too! I think you can do it. Don't go to the grocery store before you move and you will do it 4 sure!