Thursday, July 13, 2006

#32 Free Fish!

FreshDirect recently had a promotion (in conjunction with POM) for free cedar plant salmon with pomegranate glaze. The cedar plank came with very clear instructions that it was for outdoor grilling only, but this is NYC, and I don't have an outdoor. Instead, I soaked the plank in water for about seven hours, then warmed it up in a 400 oven for about ten minutes. I covered the plank with a little olive oil, threw on the salmons (which I dusted with salt and pepper) and turned the oven down to 375. After about eight minutes, I brushed on some glaze, cooked it about eight minutes more and plated up. I put some extra glaze on the plate for dipping. I'm not sure how much cedar flavor was imparted, but the salmon was delicious and the glaze was perfect with it.

I also cooked up some wild rice, which is, well, wildly different than white rice. It takes an hour to cook and it's very nutty, chewy and, quite honestly, bland. I threw in some parmesan cheese, which helped, but not enough. I ended up having to eat it with a mouthful of salmon to enjoy it at all.

This week, FD is giving away free steak! FREE STEAK!


Anonymous said...

Those who know me well have heard me rant about FD. I used to hate them. They only delivered to the high rises in my 'hood (the rich people). Now that they deliver to me I have taken advantage of their lovely service. I eve got $50 in free groceries! Yay. Now I heart FD. I know this post was about salmon but I do not like salmon.

Shannonymous said...

LOL. HILARIOUS, mama. ;)