Wednesday, July 12, 2006

#31 Apple Juice: The Real Deal

We all grew up on the same kind of apple know, the dark brown stuff that looks like urine after a hard night of drinking and tastes like a sugar cube, with only the faintest whiff of anything apple-like.

That's not really apple juice! I was on FreshDirect, looking for apple juice for my smoothies, and I saw Red Jacket Orchards juice. It was only the palest yellow and I thought, "That's the color of an apple! I'll try it."

I must tell you, it's simply the best. It tastes like beautiful apple lovin'. Not too sweet, nothing artificial, and hey, it only lasts for a few weeks, so no preservatives either!

Nutritionists and chefs alike tell you to buy produce that grows as close to home as possible. This is my part and it's tastes so good!


Anonymous said...

They sell this at the Farmer's Market at Union Square. It really is the best. THey have a lot of different flavors too. I highly recommend the apple strawberry.

Anonymous said...

Apple juice is my favorite and I have purchased this type in Union Square as well, and oh... it has been a while and I need me some.

MXF said...

I'm so excited to see my friends already know about this juice! I've been trying to get to the farmer's market, but every day I'm in Union Square is the day they're not.

Shannonymous said...

the woman I nanny for loves this stuff and they sell it at the occaisonal farmer's market in Thomkins Square Park too =)