Tuesday, July 11, 2006

#30 Spice Girl

I stole this idea from SweetNick's. Since I missed the submission deadline, I figured I'd just throw it up on my own blog.

This is my spice cabinet:

I probably have four types of sugar: granular; brown; superfine; confectioner's (five if you count the Splenda, but that's going to my aunt's house soon); thirty spices (the Penzy's were a birthday present); and copious bags and paper: Ziplocs, sandwich bags, brown bags, freezer bags, saran wrap, aluminum foil, wax paper, parchment paper (I hated how we never had Ziploc bags growing up...I really wanted the yellow + blue = green!). Also note the Texamati rice on the lower left. Best rice on earth.


VE said...

I love: sugar, Equal, AND Splenda.

Anonymous said...

Cos and I just threw out a whole bunch of sugars and spices because we never cook or bake things. Our kitchen was full of mysterious cooking and baking products from when his ex used to make food in there, but we have no use for it now. We purged, our kitchen lost a few pounds, and now Cos is thinking of putting all of his art supplies on the shelves in there. I see no reason why he shouldn't.

Shannonymous said...


I think you should get a spice rack for your new apt., though! My dad made my mom one a few years back and she put all her spices in a neat little row in alphabetical order. This delights her to no end and might make your seasoning activities a little more fun too! =)