Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Blog Update

It's not fair, I thought. Relegated to some side blog like last year's cowboy boots.

Something that takes up so much of my thought, love, energy, and waking life deserves its time in the sun. So here it is: a new version of an old blog. Move over random posts about doctors, astrology, and grief. It's time to write about bread, wine, and great big bowls of pasta.

I'm calling it "A Year of Food" because my plan is to write a daily post about food--recipes, restaurant reviews, cereal--whatever floats my boat. Your boat too, I hope. (Don't ask me where I got the idea to do 365 days of something...probably from this guy.) Can I do it? Who knows. I don't have the longest attention span, so a year of food, may devolve into a week of food. Let's see what happens.

To that end, and in the interest of time, I'm nixing the side blogs. I'll still occasionally post about things that aren't related to food, but for the most part, if I can't eat it, drink it, or fry it up in a pan, it's not making onto my blog.

I've already written two entries, so I'm going to back-post those.

Bon appetit!

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