Friday, May 12, 2006

My Most Fabulous Day II

For those of you who don't remember, let me refresh: this year, I am keeping track of my "fabulous days" as put forth by some unknown women's magazine for my astrological sign. The first day was February 20th and I rated it on the "low end of fabulous." The next day was May 7th. Here's the recap.

  • It was Sunday, so I had to tutor the eight-year olds. It was one of the better days (they were mostly well-behaved and the class went by quickly), but nobody likes working on Sunday. not fabulous

  • I had a sinus headache when I got home, so I took some Benadryl, which I feel is somewhat equivalent to taking a roofie. I didn't go to sleep, but I was extremely groggy and unaware. very not fabulous

  • After tutoring, I had planned on going to the park for a jog, but instead took a nap. Bad, because I didn't run, but I can't ever complain about napping. fine

  • I ate an entire bag of Poppycock for dinner. fine

  • I watched two of my favorite shows, Gilmore Girls and Scrubs. GG has been wildly hit or miss this season, but Scrubs continues to delight. very fine

  • I played Yahoo games when I couldn't fall asleep, and one of the women in the room was a teacher who kept spelling "bleeding ulcer" as "bleading ulser." I hope to God my children never have that woman as their teacher. fine

  • Since Snowman was asleep and I wanted to read, I propped a flashlight on my shoulder. It made me think of camping or staying up past my bedtime when I was kid. very fine

Overall, this day gets an "okay" rating from me, which makes the score 1-1.

Next fabulous day: June 7th.


Anonymous said...

I love this experiment - I truly do. I go through phases where I religiously check my horoscope and this is a reminder to take it all so very lightly.

You need a clip-on book light.

VE said...

napping is a wonderful thing. only a "fine?"

MXF said...

Naps are my favorite thing in the world (next to food) (God, I'm lazy), but there is some guilt associated with the nap becuase I was supposed to be running around a track, so I gave it a "fine."