Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Day the Music Died.

When we're not spending all our free time writing in our blogs, reading other people's blogs, posting comments on blogs, posting comments to comments on blogs, looking at site traffic for our blogs, well, that's when we do worthwhile things like cure cancer, come up with alternative fuel sources, and make really delicious meals for the homeless.


We talk about our blogs on gmail chat. This is a recent conversation I had with my lovely friend at Vinyl Edition when the blogger site was down (edited for clarity (his parts, not mine)):

Vinyl Edition:
a - why is my blog dead?
b - why does it feel like my child has died?
c - when will this be fixed?
d - can't they post some "Blog Down" page instead of showing a half-naked HTML-exposed version?
e - hu
f - i mean hi

Michellephant: I can't get to mine either. And I know how cranky mine gets when it doesn't get the attention it wants.

VE: Right? I got to yours via my dad's cpu but I can't get to it through mine.

M: Blogger gets wonky all the time.

VE: Speaking of which let's talk about how much I love Nutter Butter.

M: It's almost not worth it to be free.

VE: You nailed it. They taste like peanuts and they're shaped like peanuts. God, I love them.

M: You know it took a long time for me to like them. Once I had a filling at the dentist and I was shot up on novocaine...

VE: Well - they say it takes a long time to like anything worth liking.

M: ...I was hungry so I ate Nutter Butters but my tongue wasn't working so I chewed the shit out of it.

VE: ha ha ha

M: I'm over it now.

VE: So good. What, oh, what will be in your top 10? My favs have all made appearances
(i think).

M: As soon as blogger starts working again I'm ready to finish it up.

VE: DAMN BLOGGER. I'm taking my business elsewhere. When I got to yours, it was undressed.

M: Yeah! Somewhere where i have to PAY. Wait, no i'm not.

VE: Only half the list came up, and there was HTML code everywhere. I felt like I was seeing you naked.

M: What a trampy blog!

VE: I clicked "close," thinking - no, no, I shouldn't be seeing this.

M: You are a decent man.

VE: Thank you. I mean I looked for a LITTLE while but then closed it.

M: Well you are a MAN, decent or not. To be expected. Is this what it's like to have a Tamagochi?

VE: I think maybe so. You panic. You go - hey! You don't know what to do like a helpless parents. This is what it's like to have a child with cancer.

M: Yes, exactly like that. If I ever have a kid with cancer, I'll say to it, "You know, this reminds me of when I had a blog..."

[deleted talk about emoticons, Gilmore Girls, Lost, cyrogenically frozen heads, and anorexic fairies]

VE: I just thought of a quick rant. You know what?

M: What?

VE: No - blogger ISN'T free. Sure, it doesn't cost us money for the "privilage" of being able to write and self-publish and be creative and get attention, BUT that shit takes time. There are millions of blogs, tons of them get HUGE traffic, Ad Sense monitors Google's overall traffic, therefore, what we have is essentially a socialist system where only the top dog gets his day. It's communism and capitalism combined and while the workers control the means of production only those at the top get paid. Done.

M: Oh of course...it's free monetarily, but costs a lot in mental energy. The top dog thing...that's the world.

VE: So I've heard. I know. I'm half-kidding. I smile as I type.

M: I'm thinking about staging a revolution.

[deleted talk about a friend we'd rather not let get out...we say good-bye]

[six minutes later]

VE: The doctors just called. Our babies are alive.

M: I know! I'm on it.

VE: Wooo hooo!!! Why the relief? Why the JOY?!

[more deleted talk about our nameless friend and how VE wants to kill said person and drink his/her blood]

VE: I think blogger died again. Nevermind. Sigh.

Jesus wept.

The end.


EM said...

I was also furiously hitting refresh, cursing, hitting refresh, cursing ...

I felt like I had lost a limb ...

... and then I realized that I'd chewed my arm off ...

MXF said...

I told you not to rub your arm in peanut butter. No one can resist peanut butter.

Mel and El said...

I missed this whole thing. Where WAS I that day? Actually working? No way.

Probably masturbating in the conference room...

VE said...

You're lucky, Stel. It was the