Monday, February 20, 2006

A Valentine's Day Love Story...

I'm sure Snowman would have some objections to me telling this story, but tell it I must.

He was talking to an ex-girlfriend a week ago (he thought her dad might be able to do some work for his company). He always tells me when he talks to one of them, which is rather infrequent. I asked—fool that I am—if he mentioned me. He—fool that he is—told me this: Ex asked if he or his brother were seeing anyone to which Snowman replied "Neither of us are married."

I'm not mad. And I'm not in any way insecure about his feelings or our relationship. But, seriously, what kind of answer is that?


Anonymous said...

That seems unlike him. It would also seem unlike you NOT to ask him "what's up with that?" to his face.

Did you?

MXF said...

I let it be known that I did not find that an appropriate answer and sincerely believe that should such a question arise in the future he will respond with something along the lines of "Let me tell you about my girl...she's the greatest. She blows your sad ex-ass out of the water..."

Anonymous said...

I agree. I would question that response too. I mean, it's definitely inappropriate and it really doesn't answer the question, ya know? The question wasn't "are you married yet?" Maybe you should ask him how HE'd react if you answered that way to the same question from one of YOUR exes...

If I'd been asked and I had given that answer and my boyfriend heard it, he'd be all, "Trying to keep the window open?!?!" or something... but then again we're totally dramatic, emotional, overreactors so scratch that. ;)


VE said...

Ha ha ha ha!
Noon, you're awesome.

Anonymous said...

I think you should break up with this guy. He is not worth it. If he isn't honest with an ex-girlfriend, what else does he lie about?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the anonymous person. I think the relationship is over.

Anonymous said...

I think the question here is are you OK with truth by omission? It is true, Snowman is not married. But he did fail to mention the fact that you are in his life in a serious way. I have to say I am disappointed in him.

MXF said...

I'm okay with it because I think it was honestly come by. He's not the deceitful sort and I'm not the jealous sort so I think, really, all is well.