Tuesday, September 06, 2005

If it weren't for the fact that I view eBay as one gigantic department store (albeit, where I'm not allowed to try anything on), I prolly would have noticed that I had totally missed the Barney's Warehouse sale. I'm dead disappointed as I could have used some new shoes (Snowman would disagree, but what does he know about a girl's need for shoes?).


Girl Ray said...

Does Snowman notice every new item you get? Lord Montague does with me; he thinks I like it, but I'm really cringing as I put one more thing into the closet!

MXF said...

He is totally unaware of my wardrobe. He could even buy me something and a month later I could say, "Do you like this? I just got it" and he woud say, "Yeah, it's nice."