Friday, September 02, 2005

If I ever...

...have a baby, I want to watch The Golden Girls while I'm in delivery. Or Tom & Jerry. It's a toss-up. I love them both; it's not polite to have favorites.


Anonymous said...

I would go with Golden Girls. The witty dialogue and 80's fashions will be much more useful in distracting you from the pain I'd think. Tom & Jerry are lovable and fun, but there's just not as much going on. Plus, looking at little Sophia and knowing she gave birth to the giant, Dorothy, has got to make you feel like you're getting off easier!

Great quote From "GG":
Rebecca: I'm havin' this baby in a birthin' center. They emphasize natural childbirth without any painkillers.
Blanche: Honey, I know I told you where babies come from, but did I ever mention where they come OUT?

MXF said...

Ah, I know that episode well! You are right, it really should be Golden Girls. The distraction factor is much higher.