Thursday, June 09, 2005

The wedding that wasn't...

Florida was absurdly rainy. Just like last year when Snowman and I went to Savannah. But Disney's not so bad in the rain--better than Disney in the blistering heat anyway. Plus we got in for free. Snowman and I played mini golf--also like Savannah--and it was so crowded and he beat me by two strokes. We went to downtown Disney and played at the Legoland play place. As I was carefully constructing my abstract art masterpiece (which one boy told me looked like something out of Star Wars) a little British girl informed me I had taken "all the best bricks" at which point I had to stop or else look like a big bully. I also had to drive 350 miles ALL BY MYSELF to Macon, Georgia. It took me 5.5 hrs. with two short stops (I'm not bragging, but it took Angry Dolphin 9 hrs. to make the same drive in April). I hate driving. My brother, Wang Chung, and his wife LTG and I went to Stone Mountain, which may not be the most creative name, but is certainly descriptive as it was literally a giant stone mountain. We hiked to the top and, boy, was it hot, but I made it up okay. We had Dippin' Dots when we went to the top and they were sooo good. I'd never had them before. Only come to find out, they weren't really Dippin' Dots. They were Mini Melts and I kind of felt gyped of the whole Dippin' Dots experience. Then we ate crappy Italian for dinner. I had spaghetti and meatballs, Wang Chung had some groddy baked ziti (so not our Uncle's) and LTG had what she called "an eggplant boat." Then we went home and made peach cobbler with premaid biscuits that we cut into little hearts. It wasn't bad, but I had a tummy ache by then from all the Laffy Taffy. [What do you call a tire's dad? Poppa Wheelie.] When LTG took a shower (Wang Chung did not take a shower and that is gross, even for me because we were sweaty and disgusting after the mountain of stone) Wang Chung poured all the freezing cold cooler water on her. It feels good to laugh at other people's expense. The next day I drove to Atlanta and flew home and now here I am.

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