Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Why do friends and family--who supposedly have nothing but my best interests at heart--insist on the propogation of fear through email? And why do they think that I am so irrational and easily swayed that such an email would actually alter my life in any way?

I'm just a girl trying to figure out her life. I'm trying to find a purpose. I'm trying to eat well and exercise and read books and have new experiences. I'm trying to have good relationships with people and with myself. I'm trying to be kind to other people, even when they are unkind to me. I'm trying to expand my horizons. I'm tyring to find some peace.

I do not want to worry about contracting Leptospirosis from ingesting dried up rat urine from a soda can. I do not want to worry about stepping on a crack and breaking my mother's back. I do not want to worry about catching a cold if I go outside with wet hair. I do not want to worry about going blind if I read in the twilight. And as much as I do not want to die, I do not want to worry about dying.

So please, stop sending me your paranoid bullshit emails.

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