Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Food For Thought

Went to seminar at Museum of TV & Radio yesterday called Edible Airwaves regarding Food Network. Moderator was Vogue food critic Jeffrey Steingarten, who was the oddest, crankiest little man ever and whom I believe must have a led a very interesting life to get to be such a way. I didn't really like him, yet I was strangely fascinated, kind of like Catherine Zeta-Jones. Alton Brown raised a good point when asked about showing a giant live fish on TV that was inevitably headed to the chopping block. He said a lot of cooks can't stand to kill cows or pigs or anything else they cook with and don't think they should have to, but he disagrees. He believes we must reckon with our place on the food chain and see ourselves for what we are. I think he's right. Do I want to see a pig get bled? Almost less than anything, but, man, I sure have eaten a lot of bacon. I feel like I owe it to the pigs and to myself to fully realize that for which I am responsible. No other animal in existence is so far removed from hunting it's own food. It seems hypocritical, ignorant and morally vain to be squeamish about the slaughter of these animals, but then get giddy over Beef Wellington. Humans love to forget that, above all else, we are just animals. I'm not saying I'm going to seek out an experience, but if someone were offering one, well, you know where to find me.

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