Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Aruba! Aruba!

This is what I remember about my trip: walking into a lamp post while reading a map, which was not totally my fault because the lamp post was right in the middle of the sidewalk and who ever heard of such a thing? There were so many cactus everywhere; I felt like I was in the wild, wild west. [I decided I don't like the word cacti, so I'm going to use cactus as the singular and plural, much like fish and sheep. Ha, try and stop me!] I had so many frozen drinks and none were as good as the razz-berri mudslide at the Surf Club. A stray dog followed us home from dinner and it was like a quarter-mile walk. He was so cute and I wished I had a bone in my purse, but Snowman said if I had a bone in my purse he would wonder why. I named the dog Floppy. He wasn't full-grown and had a scar over his left eye. I wished I could pet him, but you can't touch a stray dog because if he bit you he would have to be put down or if you couldn't catch him, you would have to get rabies shots just in case and who wants to do that while they're on vacation? When we got to the hotel, we couldn't let him inside but he kept walking around the patio like he was looking for us and it was really, really sad. I also won $80 on the penny slots, which I think is really, really good. I would like to play cards, but I'm just a big chicken. I don't have the kind of disposable income where I could sit at a table for an hour and lose all sorts of money. Which is why I play the penny slots. I actually won $100, but the last day I played some more and lost $20 quite mercilessly. My favorite game was Mayan Princess. Snowman and I also met a girl and her uncle on the way to Aruba and she has the same name as me. Then we met her again on the way back to NYC. We also went mountain biking and it was really hard! I couldn't make it up all the hills, so our guide Nestor helped me sometimes. Once I walked up the hill and Nestor biked up pushing my bike too! He also pushed me up another hill while I was on the bike. He was in really good shape. He also teaches the mambo and plays guitar in a band. Snowman did good and could bike up all the hills by himself. I feel a little bad, like I'm not in good shape, but I really tried and you can't feel too bad if you try hard and still can't do it. There are five Dunkin' Donuts on Aruba and we drove by all of them. They also have Sbarro's (they say Mama's in the kitchen cooking, but I saw in the kitchen and it was fat man with a mole on his nose), Little Caesars, Pizza Hut, McDonald's and Taco Bell, but no Starbucks or Papa John's. I won't talk about the flight home because it was bad and it sucks when the last thing about your trip is bad, so I'm going to pretend it didn't even happen. Pictures coming soon.

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