Tuesday, August 29, 2006

#71 Bistec de Costilla de Res, Por Favor

Now that we live in the suburbs we get pennysavers in our mailbox. In New York, they were basically thrown into the hallway, where one might have kicked them aside to open the door, but never, ever to actually read. We're pretty bored here at the moment, so the pennysaver is actually great cause for celebration.

We have a pretty healthy Hispanic population here, so it turns out our local food market prints Spanish subtitles for the food it advertises. So, in my own humble effort to bridge the cultural divide in America, here are some bilingual yum-yums for you to peruse (it's fun to say the translations out loud):

bistec de cordero: lamb shoulder steaks
cebollas amarillas: yellow onions
jicama: jicama
limones verdes en Bolsa: key limes
lechuga: lettuce
fresas: strawberries
mollejas de pollo: chicken gizzards
chuletas de puerco: sirloin end pork chops
bistec de costilla de res: rib eye steaks

Buen Provecho!: Enjoy Your Meal!


Listy-loo said...

muey delicioso, no?

TinselTeeth said...

My favorite saying (actually it's Portuguese, but they're so close...): "Vem Gostosa" which means, "Come here, delicious one". Yum.

VE said...

"bistec" is MAYBE my favorite word ever.

Anonymous said...

michelle... where have you gone! :-) we're missing your post. i hope san diego food hasn't turned you off of food blogging altogether!

Anonymous said...

New here,

I'm spending my time here for the kids of Haiti.

I'm at this site for a non-profit haiti organization that is devoted to giving time to
creating an oppurunity for the children in haiti. If anyone here wants to help then this is the place:

[url=http://universallearningcentre.org]Donate to Haiti[/url] or Help Haiti

They give kids in Haiti books and teach them.

And yes, they are legitimate.

Please give