Sunday, July 23, 2006

#42 Bananarama

Sorry for the short posts this weekend, but we're having computer issues (the issue being that our computer doesn't work), so I'm posting on a substitute computer. Posts will be better during the week when I'm at work.

This Saturday, I had a Bananarama party (my second one, no less), where we celebrated this humble fruit. I made frozen bananas with Reese's Pieces, banana split cake, banana coconut rum cookies, fruit pizza, double-fried plantains, and pineapple upside down cake (no bananas in that one, but I owed it to Cos). Delia and I also concocted a not entirely successful banana ice cream drink. I'll post the recipes throughout the week. I love any chance to celebrate my favorite fruit!

Go Bananas!

1 comment:

Listy-loo said...

Mmmmmm. The banana split cake thing was super good. I wanted to put my face in the bowl.