Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Jesus' Son

I breezed through Denis Johnson's excellent Jesus' Son. I bought this book in college, but never read it, and it retrospect I have no idea why I was so hesistant. I can only chalk it up to being required reading for an absurdly early class the last semester of my senior year, thus not inclined to do much of anything. It is a complete 180 from Everything Is Illuminated and quite like a breath of beer-soaked fresh air.

Favorite quote: ....but we'd torn open our chests and shown our cowardly hearts, and you can never stay friends after something like that.

*I would just like to add that when hot-linking the title to, I had to search for a cover that didn't make reference to the movie. I hate it when movie stars are on the covers of books that existed on their own steam prior to Hollywood. I don't want to read the movie version of a book, I want to read the book version of it, thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear ya about the book covers- especially when the movie is NOTHING like the book like the amazing book
"What Dreams May Come" that was RUINED when re-written for the screen (depsite the valiant efforts of Robin WIlliams & Annabella Sciorra), but in the case of Jesus' Son, it's ok, trust me. The book is so beautiful and the film stays so true to it and is therefore beautiful too. Plus Billy Crudup, Samanta Morton & Holly Hunter are characteristically BRILLIANT!!! One of the few books I've ever read where the film is as good... maybe the only one I know of besides "Fight Club"