Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A Christmas miracle...in August!

Last week I met a friend for some drinks after work and as I'm walking home from the bar I realize I've dropped the airclick remote for my iPod. Even in my quasi-drunken state I'm totally devastated. I try to retrace my steps back to the bar, but I'm a little fuzzy on the details and I don't see it on any of the streets or sidewalks. I get home and wail to Snowman about what an idiot I am and woe is me, woe is me.

The next day I see it clipped to the side of a shopping bag I had with me the night before. I'm totally overjoyed and swear this is--finally!--proof of God. But then I start to suspect Snowman had just bought a new remote without telling me, which is a sweet gesture to be sure, but I was kind of hoping for the miracle. I could use some proof of God, after all. I just didn't see how it could go from being clipped onto my skirt to being clipped onto my bag. What are the chances?

But after examing the remote and noticing all the little scratches a new one wouldn't have, and after testing it with my base unit (which wouldn't work if it was, in fact, a new remote) I'm convinced it was indeed the hand of God.

Let us all rejoice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! =) Whatever it takes I say.