Friday, October 29, 2004

Birthday's comin' round again

I got my first present in the mail yesterday--a full eight days before my actual birthday! It was from the Angry Dolphin. It was two Tupperware (I love Tupperware. Why is it so freaking expensive?) sandwich takers with Spongebob Squarepants on the front. So cute!

Today I got a completely unexpected birthday present from a colleague in London. The unexpected presents are the absolute best, even if it's something simple. It has really boosted my mood today (which heretofore had not been spectacular). This is the same person who brought me a jar of Marmite when he last visited. I had been trying it on toast with butter, but could not decide if I liked it or if it was actually disgusting. Finally tried it with parmesan on top and it's really quite good that way. So he gets a double thanks for a sweet gift and opening up to me the world of processed yeast spread.

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