Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I just found out someone I went to college with died in a car accident in the spring. It's not awful, I mean, we weren't close, but it's not not awful either, because I really liked him when I knew him. We had a couple of classes together and we'd sort of flirt with each other from across the table. He was in a band and I saw them play a few times. In one class, at the end of the semester, our professor had us anonymously write something nice about everyone in class. Even though it was anonymous, I could tell which comment was his and it meant the most to me because I liked him the most. As I'm packing up to move last week, I'm going through this box of old stuff and I find that slip of paper with all those comments on it and his comment still meant the most to me. As I'm reading it, he's already dead, but I didn't know it until yesterday. It's not awful, but it is sad. He was a good person.

I have this CD from his band and the songs are on my iPod.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I love the library. You just can't get bored there. And they let you read things...for free! I think it is truly one of the most awesome public services in the country. And who do we have to thank for it? Why, the inventor of the bifocal: Benji Franklin!

When I was younger I went to the library all the time with my dad. There was a big branch downtown and he would let us go off on our own. I would always go to the comics and read all the Garfields (a cat who loved lasagna? crazy!) and Peanuts. And I would check out all these books and never read them, but who cares? It was the possibility of reading that was so enticing. One time we went to a smaller local branch and I thought my dad left me there (I think that must have hurt his feelings for me to assume I meant so little to him that he would "forget" me anywhere). I called my mom and she came to get me. But before she got there, of course, my dad appeared. Now keep in mind, this was in the days before cell phones, so there was no telling my mom to head back home (and even if it weren't, my parents don't even have an answering machine so there's no hope for them getting cells). So suddenly I had TWO rides home...I felt stupid.

But I still loooove the library. And with LEO online you can reserve and renew books online! Genius! I look forward, with great anticipation, to the day when we no longer have to speak to each other.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I wish it were better. I won't mention anything to spoil it for those who haven't read it yet. I thought it kind of dragged. There were some interesting bits that happened and I can kind of see where it's all going to end up. Really, I just thought Harry was a moody brat who--and I have to agree with Snape--thinks he's better than everyone else. Who knows? Maybe he is. Worst of all, I thought Rowling's poor writing skills really showed through on this one. She tells a good story; she just doesn't tell it very well.

Favorite quote: from this book? Yeah right.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Further Evidence I'm Becoming My Mother

I took out a purse I hadn't used in a few months and found half a pack of gum in it (not quite as good as finding a stray $20). When I was little, I used to go into my mom's closet, rifle through all her purses, and unload all the piece of Dentyne she's forgotten about, which I would then eat in quick succession.

If I ever start freezing loaves of bread, please, someone put me out of my misery.
I feel fat today.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Christopher Plummer

Prior to ten minutes ago, I had absolutely no feelings for or against Christopher Plummer. But he is so witty and charming in this EW interview, I think he might be my favorite actor in the whole world. Well, next to Jake Gyllenhaal, of course.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I hate...

...the word gelee. It can't possibly signify a food I would ever want to eat. In the December issue of Martha Stewart's Living, there is a picture of "pate with pomegranate gelee" and although it is a very lovely photo, I think I would rather eat a tree branch.